BetterPlanner is a website built using Vue.js, MongoDB, running on top of lambda functions for the GraphQL api server. Its a project built for UofT students to find courses from all three campuses, and displaying course details, and a tree with all future courses it leads to. Github project can be found here.
Watch and share your screen and audio with friends
Toonin is a Web app that allows your friends to Tune In to what you're watching or listening.
Toonin consists of a Vue.js frontend, and a signaling server using Node.js acting as a socket server. WebRTC is used to stream the audio and video from the provider to its peers.
In order to exchange information, a signaling server must exist between the provider and the peers (Web App). Github repo can be found here.
ChatApp as the name describes it is a NodeJS application using Socket.IO to implement chat rooms and certain features related to chat rooms such as live chat between the current room users, creating private rooms and much more....
Currently in progress of shifting over to a serverless implementation...
Blogapp is designed using semantic UI. The main purpose behind this project was to gain experience with jQuery and especially AJAX for the comments section of each blog. Comments when added can be seen by other logged in users live with the ability to edit and delete them also and still updating the page live. Some styling still needs to be updated.
Currently in progress of shifting over to a serverless implementation...
UToronto search engine is a website built using Java, Springboot, MongoDB, bootstrap and a whole bunch of APIs. It is made particularly for UofT students and staff in order to fulfill their search needs and place where files can be shared with other people at UofT. This was a project done for CSCC01H3 at UTSC during summer 2018, with 4 other students in the course. Features like OCR and Voice to Text are implemented with Apache Lucene as the back-end search engine with MongoDB. Subject course groups are pre-made and personal groups can be made by any student or Instructor. To sign up a UofT email address is required.